Hey there Pup! Human pup play can be expensive and one of the biggest purchases can be your pup hood. Don’t get me wrong, I love my hoods but if you’re on a budget it’s time to get crafty! It’s time to make your own dog hood!
The hood above took about 3 hours to create with the total cost being less than $28.
Step 1: Get a pattern!
Pepakura is a hugely popular craft and there are heaps of great patterns available. If you want to grab a straight forward, well tested pattern I recommend checking out Etsy. I got my dog mask pattern from Wintercroft. Service was good and the patterns are not too tricky.
Check Out The Wintercroft Masks Here
Step 2: Print out the pattern
The hood above is made to fit an adult head, there is no need to adjust the size of the patterns. I used Adobe acrobat and made there there was not changes in size when printing…
Don’t stress, yes the pattern looks crazy hard but really it’s not that tricky!
Step 3: Gather materials
You’ll need:
- 2 A2 sheets of poster card
- sharp scissors
- spray glue
- strong glue stick
- clear sticky tape
- a ruler
- a ball point pen that no longer works
I was able to pick up all I needed from the local office supply store for less than $20
Step 4: Get Crafty!
Instructions are included with the patterns from Wintercraft however the basics are:
- do a rough cut around each piece of the pattern leaving a decent edge away from the solid cutting lines.
- Spray the back of each piece with spray glue and stick to the cardboard.
- Allow the glue to fully dry
- Cut each piece out carefully with sharp scissors
- using a ball point pen that no longer works “draw a line” using a ruler over each of the dotted fold lines. Gently fold each fold line in the direction as per the instructions.
- Now find tab 1 and edge one and start glueing. High stress joins may need clear sticky tape to help keep the edges together.
It’s a little tricky however heaps of fun and a great way to create your very own pup look.
These hoods are fairly robust but they are not the sort of thing you would wear in a mosh… That said they are quick, easy and cheap to make so there it not going to be too many tears if one gets damaged!
So there you go pups, time to get crafty!
Hugs and tugs
Gpup Alpha