Hey Pups!
If your inbox is anything like mine it’s overflowing with Black Friday discounts. A couple of them caught my eye as perfect for pup play…

Pup Play Knee Protection
First up, check out these freaking cool knee pads by G Form.
I have an ipad case made of this stuff and it’s freaking awesome! They are saying they are going to have discounts of up to 71% so I hope that perhaps these will be included!
I have a set of hard shell knee pads which are great but they slip to the side exposing my knee that they are supposed to be protecting. These come in a sock like tube so once in place they are rock solid. Made of some sort of weird ass soft plastic they can take a massive beating.
These will be awesome value and let’s hope the discount is high
Check Out G Form Knee Pads Here
Also arriving in my in box is the great news that Mr S has put a 15% discount on Square Peg puppy tail butt plugs.
I am a huge fan of the square peg butt plugs and puppy tails, at 15% my freaking tail is wagging!
BTW check out the wag these tails have!:
I know what my puppy bro’s are getting for christmas! Oh yea, and a nice greasy bone. 😉
Get Your 15% Off SquarePeg Puppy Tails Here!
Happy Thanksgiving pups and I’ll update if I see any more cool discounted puppy play gear!
Hugs and tugs.