Woof Roth & His Pup Puppy Boo
Hey there Pups!
Today I thought it would be nice to share the first in a series of online interviews with pup play hero’s from around the world.
The first pup I would like to introduce is a manI have been amazed to watch with his infinite energy and devotion to pup play. Based in his home town of Saint Louis Missouri, Woof Roth has been an integral part of the development of not only the Midwest Puppy Contest but also the International Puppy Contest.
Given his fantastic contribution to the pup play as both a handler and a pup, I could not think of anyone better to be my first featured Pup.
So to get the ball rolling, my first question:
How did you discover puppy play?
Once I moved to Saint Louis, I really couldn’t find any other than one or two others that were sort of pups. As the years progressed, so did I. Sometimes it took me longer to learn the lessons I needed to learn. I had to learn patience, openness, honor, acceptance and knowing that sometimes things or relationships don’t work out like we want them to. I had to learn that the hard way with former pups. Even though I thought everything was there at the beginning, it wasn’t and after trials and tribulations I learned that not every pup is for every Handler, but sometimes the stars and the planets line up, and you find that special someone that things really do mesh together to make what is not only great as a couple or partners but also in the Handler/Alpha and pup relationship.
4 years ago Puppy Boo and I met on a “Furry” fetish site called http://furriesxtreme.org and began talking. He had never considered or knew about puppy at that point. We started really talking and my explaining what puppy was and we decided that we were a good fit for each other. We had been talking for over a year at that point and decided on some trial time together. By the end of the weekend he was wearing his “Collar of Consideration”. We had planned that he would be moving about 6 months after that but as time passed, we both realized that our happiness couldn’t be held apart and he moved from Newport News, VA to Saint Louis. We have been happy as can be every since.
What is your happiest memory from pup play?
I have 2, I hope you don’t mind
From the puppy side of things – My first Pride parade in Saint Louis with my new puppy gear in 2005. As we walked down the 3 mile parade route there were so many barking and howling. About half way through there was this young lady that literally jumped over the parade barricades and came out to hug me and pulled me back over to the side and asked for pictures. She thanked me and said I inspired her. To this day, Boo and I march every year and we always have so many that are happy to see us and want hugs, pictures with us or to just bark and howl with us.
From the Handler side of things – Boo and I had been together in person for a little over 2 years this past April and we decided we wanted to go to CLAW in Cleveland. We had befriended Master Noel and Sir Marc from Canada and had offered to help out, so we knew we weren’t going into a total unknown. On Friday at CLAW they had the Puppy Olympixxx, Boo and I participated and I wasn’t sure how he was going to do. This was his first major Leather/Puppy event and his shyness sometimes gets the best of him but not that night. It came time for us to run the course and Boo was moving like a streak. By the time everything was done and his time was posted he had the lead by over 15 seconds. He took the night and made me so proud because his whole goal was to make my happy and in turn make himself happy. He did it all!
If you could tell the pup play community just one thing to make pup play better what would it be?
Dang now you are making it hard! One thing?
Be patient. Take time to learn, experience and live what it is to be a puppy. Be patient and remember you don’t have to have a Owner or Handler to be a puppy. Be patient, as each of us is unique as a human and as a Handler or puppy, make puppy your own, but also make it safe, friendly and welcoming to those that are just finding it or just learning. It’s also very important to realize that learning things online is great but you have to have real life, in person experience to complete the learning process and be patient because it is something that will not happen overnight.
We all have to be patient and remember we never stop learning.
Thanks Woof for taking the time to participate in the interview. I whole heartedly agree.
Well that’s a wrap up for our first featured pup. There are more pup interviews on the way so be sure to check back soon for our regular updates!
Hugs and tugs to you all.
Gpup Alpha.