So this morning I was chuffed to see a fun post from Kit Dale sharing a pic of him in a human pup mask and leather gear.
For those not aware Kit is an Aussie and two time world champion MMA fighter. He's absolutely a guy you don't want to mess with in a dark alley! Check out one of his fight videos here:
He's also a keen YouTuber and clearly has a great sense of humour...
While my first impression was, Kit, dude, seriously, you need a way sexier pup hood, my second was how cool his fan are with their responses to the pic...
Main themes I saw in the thread on Kit's Facebook page were:
- Dude, you're not doing gay porn are you?? (Kit are you? Happy to introduce to you an agent if you need, lol!)
- A hand full of very happy pups welcoming him to the scene, and...
- Many people keen to learn if his movie is a horror, intro to BDSM or their ultimate bedroom fantasy.
Kit, love your work mate. You've got a kick ass humour and I absolutely welcome you to any pup mosh if you want to learn more about human pup play.
Rock on fella. Cool post and thanks for bringing puppy play just that little bit more out into the open. Any news on when we can see the film released?
Gpup Alpha, Sirius Pup Australia
BTW If you want to learn to fight in Kit's style, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu be sure to check out his website here: http://www.kitdalebjj.com/
In a cool post script to the post, one of my friends shared the post with Kit, thanking him for being an inadvertent ally of human pup play...
This is his response!
I'm super stoked and it's cool to see that he really is a dude!
I've said it once but the offer is out there mate, anytime you want to learn more about human pup play, Sirius Pups are here to help you get into character!