Beautiful Chainmail Collar For Your Pup
I’m so excited. Today in the mail my latest puppy collarfrom Mr S has arrived, their beautiful hand crafted chainmail collar.
This beautiful piece is perfect for me as I have a rather thick neck. While I love my steel puppy collar it’s shape can sit just a little funny at times. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great but not the most comfortable pup collar on the market.
This chainmail collar sits perfectly! At a generous 20″ long it sits gently against my neck and is able to move with me as I exercise, play and go about my daily work. As it comes it hangs just at the notch above my breast bone so it doesn’t bag against my adams apple like some of the other collars did.
When I am at work it is able to sit neatly under my shirt and can be very discrete.
What I really love is that these collars are hand made with love by a craftsman in San Francisco. Doug my good mate at Mr S Leather was telling me that this artist sits in front of the TV hand bending each link to make the chainmail collars.
The collar I am wearing is the “rope” style. It sits nice and flat and despite all those stainless steel rings it’s remarkably light and is very quiet so I can be in stealth pup mode if needed.
The chainmail collars also come in a twisted style that adds a nice spiral effect to the piece.
If you have a thicker neck, or would like to have your collar made to a specific dimension the guys are Mr S are able to help you obtain your personally made puppy chain to fit your needs. You just need to talk to the guys at the mail order department and they can place a special order in.
I love my collar and I’m pretty sure this is going to be my day wear for this pup.
If you are interested in rewarding your pup with a beautiful human dog collar such as this be sure drop the guys at Mr S a line. Be sure to tell them The Happy Pup sent you 🙂 .
Click Here To See The Chainmail Collar @ Mr S
Hugs and tugs