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Tag Archives | Rubber Dog Bronco

Hot Rubber Dog Pics From Folsom Europe 2012

Hey there Pups,

Today I fond these great pics by Rubber Dog Bronco aka “Gummihund Bronco” that were taken at Folsom Europe 2012. I’ve never been however after looking at the pics I am definitely going to have a chat with my master about a bit of a holiday for next year.

You may not know but I am a huge fan of rubber, putting puppy play and rubber together is just a marriage made in heaven. I’m thrilled that one my pup play hero’s, Rubber Dog Bronco, was kind enough to allow me to share his pics.

Rubber Dog Bronco

rubber dogs folsom europe 2012

gumihund lupo folsome europe 2012

rubber pup pack folsom europe 2012

Certainly his pack is well decked out and if you ever happen to be in Germany I highly recommend stopping by his store Bizarre Rubber Shop in Schleswig. Of course you can buy online as he stocks some very interesting products!

Looking to the future, in particular Sydney Mardi Gras 2013, Sir did mention that Sirius Pups may well be marching in the parade. Now that would be very cool!


Gpup Alpha

BTW Are we friends on Facebook yet? Hit me up, I’d love to make some facebook puppy pals.


Rubber Dog Bronco: A Hot German Rubber Pup

Rubber Dog Bronco

Rubber Dog Bronco

Just wanted to share a great video of one of my favorite pups Rubber Dog Bronco AKA “Gummihund Bronco” in Germany.


While I identify as a German Shepherd, I love how Rubber Dog Bronco’s build fits perfectly with his Rottweiler pup headspace. His RubberDawg hood is perfect and for blokes that are of a bigger build I highly recommend checking out the Rottie hoods, they look amazing.

For me the Rottie is perhaps the best pup for play. Big solid and strong. My pup brother Trooper is also a Rottie and both he and I agree that Rubber Dog Bronco is one hell of a pup.

As noted in the video above Bronco also runs a fantastic store that specialises in rubber wear in particular to those interested in the pet play market. If you are interested you can check out Rubber Dog Bronco’s store Bizarre Rubber Shop that is based in Schleswig in the north of Germany.

I hope that one day I may be fortunate enough to visit this store and perhaps even to meet Gummihund Bronco and his amazing pack.

If you are serious into your rubber and puppy play Rubber Dog Bronco can be spotted at a few of the hardcore sites with a google search finding a couple of his movies at RubberBreed.com and HotRubberClips.com. Hot clips and certainly a must for those who are into hardcore rubber and puppy play.

Hugs and tugs.



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