puppy play

What’s Your Magical Human Pup Play Moment?

magical human pup playRecently in our pup community we have had the loss of a pup who had many connections within both the US and international human pup play scene. It’s sad to say goodbye however it’s also a chance to stop and reflect on many of the amazing things our community has gifted us.

Today I was sent the above picture from my brother Dire Supermutt and it reminded me of the most amazing, wonderful and magical time I had with him recently.

I have know Dire for quite a few years now. He was introduced to me via the Sirius Pup website and through Skype, text and chat we got to know each other well.

This year I was so excited to not only be able to visit the USA but most importantly to finally visit Dire. Spending time with this pup was truely magical 🙂 .

Together we had time not only at “The Most Magical Place On Earth: Disney” but we also had the pleasure of exploring Harry Potter World at Universal Studios. You can imagine the crazy fun we had waving wands, freaking out security with our dog hoods, drinking butter beer and even going on rides till we both felt just that little bit queezy….

Magical moments that without human puppy play I would have never had.

On my trip I also had the chance to meet an talk with many people I consider my pup heros: The House Of Hunt, Pup Gadget, The Dog Star Pack, The Junk Yard Pack and many more… I’ve had the chance to meet so many boys, Doms, pup, handlers. I have had the chance to make so many new, wonderful friends.

One pup who I have the utmost respect is Kirk Brue Pierce. As part of his interview he was kind enough to share one of his most magical human pup play moments.

So Pup. I know that today is a sad however today we have the chance to stop and reflect on some of the amazing things that have happened in our lives as part of our participation in the world of animal role play… So let me ask you, what is the most magical moment that has happened for you in your life exploring human pup play?

Feel free to share via the buttons below and let us know your most magical pup play experience.

Hugs and tugs,

Gpup Alpha

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