puppy play

Tag Archives | puppy play

Puppy Play Shirts & How I Met My Brother

puppy play t-shirtHey there Pups! Today I wanted to share exactly how I got to meet my pup brother Trooper and how “coming out” as a pup via a puppy play t-shirt was the key to meeting an awesome new brother.

So Trooper and I have been mates for many years. Earlier this year he was down for a visit when we all went out to a dinner with a group of friends. As part of my growth as a pup I was in the process of “coming out” as a pup so I decided to wear my “Puppy 1” t-shirt.

My Pup Play Shirt Opened The Door For Trooper

As Trooper and I chatted over dinner he commented about my shirt and I mentioned that I was indeed very interested in puppy play and that I had a master as well.

As the conversation developed Trooper opened up a little letting me know that he was interested in learning a little more about pup play and had been looking for a master.

Here in Australia the pup play scene is difficult to penetrate. Kind of like a fringe of the BDSM scene, puppy play is kind of seen as a “subby” kind of roleplay and rocking masters are hard to find. Trooper also lamented that he had no luck in finding a good person to “show him the ropes”.

By the end of that evening I had contacted my Master and Trooper was well on his new life exploring his pup play side.

Come Out As A Pup Via A Fun T-Shirt

Given that pup play is not the easiest topic to introduce to conversation a puppy play shirt can help bring up the topic very simply.

For this reason I feel proud to be able to give something back to the pup community with some fun shirts.

May I introduce what I like to call “The Red Series”: a collection of fun pup play shirts that are great conversation starters. Now you can let’s people know in a subtle (or depending on your choice, not so subtle) way that you can bark, sit and stay!

puppy play shirtpuppy play shirtpuppy play t-shirtwoof puppy play shirt

I’ve decided to use the service Red Bubble as they have a very good reputation. Their printing is great quality and I’m very happy with the shirts I have ordered through their service.

With Christmas just around the corner perhaps one of these shirts may be a fun gift for that special puppy in your life.

Check out “The Red Series” puppy play t-shirts here at Red Bubble

A portion of each sale includes a donation to a charity that benefits puppies that are looking for new homes.

Hope you enjoy the shirts and let me know if there are any designs you would like created!

Hugs and tugs.



OMG How Cute Is This Little Fella! Yay Puppy Play

Hey Pups. Just came across this awesome video of a beautiful lab pup in full force puppy play. It’s so nice to see him 100% focused and having the time of his life with something so simple.


In my own puppy play I’ve certainly learned to recapture the joy and fun of something so simple. We all have busy lives and sometimes it’s nice to just switch off relax and have some good old fashioned fun.

So my question to you… What is your favorite style of puppy play?

I’d love to hear from ya mate!

Hugs and tugs.



My Favorite Pup Play Memories

Gpup Alpha My Favorite Pup Play MemoriesHey there Pups! Today Pup Cerberus asked a really interesting question that I wanted to answer. His question was: “What are your favorite pup experiences?”. For me pup play has been such a wonderful addition to my life I just wanted to share this quick video I made on my two favorite puppy play experiences.

My Favorite Pup Play Memories

As I mentioned in the video my two favorite pup play experiences have been the first time I met a human pup and my first introduction to pup play with my master.

Almost 7 years ago I attended Dore Alley a leather fair in San Francisco. During this visit there were a number of human dogs around including a pack of rubber dogs and a wonderful leather pup who I ended out chatting with for quite some time. Initially I was unsure how to approach so I talked to his master that I was missing my biopups back home and could I pat his dog?

Both the pup and his master were the most lovely guys and they were very kind to explain their lives and what pup play meant to them. I was so impressed at what great guys they were that my passion for human pup play was started!

It took quite a few years before I met my master however my first  pup play meeting is a memory I will always remember.

The Day I Was Collared

I was nervous. On meeting my master Pup Boss the first thing he had me do as a pup was to go into “present”. I had no idea what to do so I sat on all fours and leant my head against his belly. At this point he gently patted me on the head and scratched me behind my ear. I was in pup play heaven!

A bit later he laid out a leather puppy collar and instructed me that when I was ready to submit to his training I was to take the collar to him and he would place it on me. That moment was magical. I’m so happy I took the step to join the pup play brotherhood.

These are two of my most treasured pup play moments. Can I ask what are yours?

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Hugs and tugs.



Is Human Pup Play Really Just About Being A Sub?

Human Pup Play Friend GpupHey there Pups! Recently I was sent a question from one of my mates who was interested my passion for human pup play. Not knowing much about puppy play he asked me how being a “human dog” was different to being a sub.

For me the puppy play and subbing a pretty much chalk and cheese.

How Is Human Pup Play Different From Being A Sub?

For me puppy play is about relase, relaxation and fun. While I’m still learning about pup space the times I’ve entered it it’s a great feeling where time is “now”. I don’t have to worry about the future or the past. It’s time to just enjoy sensations, smells and enjoy those primal feelings that have always made me feel that yes indeed I’m definitely some form of human dog…

Indeed there are some elements of submission: I follow my masters orders, I submit to allowing my mind to just sit and enjoy the pleasure of being in the present. To say that human pup play is all about being a sub really misses the sole of pup play that attracted me to it in the first place.

Of course this is just my opinion. My master, Pup Boss of Sirius Pups introduces the idea of pup space and other important characteristics he looks for in a human pup. Check out his post here:
What I Look For In A Pup

I know that like there are many different types of biopups in the world, so to is the range of human dogs. Today I thought it would be nice to hear from you. What are you thoughts on pup play? What attracted you to gear up and become an human pup?

Feel free to leave a comment below 🙂




Safety In Human Pup Play

Hey there Pups! Today I wanted to cover a pretty important topic for my pup play brothers: Safety. I was recently chatting with a master who was telling me he preferred to play with his pup when the pup was under the influence of substances. He said it made the pup easier to handle. This has me quite worried as human pup play can be rather intense and adding substances to the mix can make it down right dangerous.

Human Pup Play Safety

Human pup play can be both physically and emotionally demanding. There is a lot of trust involved in addition to physical activity and postures we are rarely due when in full human mode. My biggest concerns are that if a pup is under the influence he may miss important signals from his body of potential injury or fatigue. Even more worrying is that because most pups like to wear a mask, trainers may miss important signals of distress as they won’t be able to see the pup’s face.

Another mask related concern is that if a puppy was to suddenly become sick and vomit there is a risk of not being able to get the mask off quickly leading to choking or aspiration. These events do happen and when it does every second counts.

From a psychological perspective human pup play can be very demanding. While we understand that we can never completely lose contact with our human side, drugs could make this line blurry, confusing or even distressing. A distressed dog can be very agressive and unpredictable, imagine what a distressed, intoxicated human dog could be like!

As part of human pup play, in fact all s&m really there is a large amount of trust placed into the trainer or master to care for the pup. If a trainer is intoxicated there is a high risk of missing important signals, distress and both physical and psychological harm. I strongly suggest that pups never play with a master if they are intoxicated or under the influence of substances.

For the above mentioned reasons my pack, Sirius Pup, has a strict no drug policy. We take our safety seriously and want to help encourage the care and love of every person that enjoys human pup play. We love our puppy play and hope to be doing it for many years to come. Doesn’t everyone?

Hugs and tugs guys!



My First Human Puppy Training: Posture

human puppy training

At my pack Sirius Pups I am proud to be the Alpha pup serving my Boss an expert in human puppy training. Pup training has opened my heart and my mind. Never in my dreams did I imagine I would ever find a pack, a master and a cool pup brother to share my play with. I consider myself a very lucky pup indeed.

As a reminder to me but also for pups that may join the pack I wanted to share some of the human puppy training guides, or as they are called at Sirius Pups: first collar trainings and their meaning to me. The first training I had as a Sirius Pup was posture.

I will always remember my first meeting with Sir. As I entered I was initially unsure of what to expect, I was nervous. The first instruction I received as a pup was:

“Down on your knees. Present”

While I was not 100% sure of what to do I went with my instincts. Knee’s down, feet tucked under and fists on my knees. Exactly as I am pictured above. This was my first command in my journey, my first go to present proud for my master. I knew then and there I was destined for pup hood.

In the present position I started to notice a few cool things. The world looks different from the floor. Looking up at Sir I was able to start to get an understanding of his role. Not menacing, not cruel, he simply looked down and rubbed behind my ear and said those magic words… Good dog.

In that training I also learned to “kneel” and “all fours”. Each feels different, each has a different role. In present I am alert yet relaxed. Kneel and I’m watching master for my next command. Sometimes that is for a treat or even better to be marked. When kneeled Sir has access to my back and front to mark, loading my skin with his wonderful scent.

In all fours my ass is proud, my tail is wagging and I’m feeling very much in pup space. I often watch my dogs at home, and how they interact from this position. My male is very playful and from this position he will bow when he’s ready for play. While biopup training is different from human puppy training there are certainly many parallels that I’ve noticed.

In this first session of human puppy training I also received two treasured pieces of pup gear. My puppy tail and my very first collar. I’ll be sharing more about this in my next post.

Catch you then. Hugs and tugs.



Muddy Pup!

Hey there Pups!

Today I wanted to share a great video of one of my pup buddies Vaelyn Dire BlackWolf (AKA Supermutt) in a fun pup play session in the mud!

Watching this video made me realize how long it’s been since I have had the chance to play this way, let alone play in the mud.  It looks like such awesome fun.

One day I hope to be able to visit my pup brothers in the USA and I am definitely going to be putting a nice muddy play session onto the agenda.

So pup, what’s your favorite play to just pup out and enjoy on your weekend?




Cute German Puppy Hasso


Today I’ve been exploring YouTube to check for some puppy play videos. I was pleasantly surprised at how many videos there are.


Today I wanted to share this video of Hasso a cute furry pup hailing from Berlin. He certainly seems like a happy pup with a very caring handler who has published quite a few videos of him. Below is the video entitled “A Day As A Dog” shows Hasso enjoying pup play, relaxing and enjoying a nice bowl of pup chow and milk 🙂 .


Ahh the life eh, no cares, no worries. Just slipping into pup space, gently enveloped in the love of your master. Sounds perfect to me…

Happy puppy dreams guys.



These Leather Football Pants Are A Pup Play Must!


I don’t know if you saw this picture just mailed out by the guys at Mr S Leather but fuck yea! I’ve just found the perfect pants for my next pup play session…

Perhaps I am just a bit of a pig bout how fucking hot is the combination of leather, puppy play and fucking sexy sports wear. Mix these three together and it’s a recipe for a fucking hot afternoon.

These leather pants, knee pads and my leather puppy hood. Dam I am really for a puppy pile right now… 🙂

Needless to say I have placed my order for these leather football pants today!

Of course thanks to my fantastic Master for the heads up. Love you Sir and I can’t wait to have these to wear for you.

You can check out more pics here @ Mr S



My First Official Outing As A Pup

Hey there Guys,

Today I wanted to share part of a great article published by a good mate over at Gay Express in New Zealand. Leif has really captured the elements of pup play that I enjoy. It’s fun, it’s about being in the now and that wonderful feeling of having entered pup space.

Like the name suggests, this type of play relies on one person taking on the mouthy, tail-wagging, toy-chasing characteristics of a dog while their partner, aka handler or trainer, guides the scene, treating their frisky friend to the same treatment as a genuine canine. It’s a hoot for everyone involved and can also open one up to a deeper, primal connection to sex and the day-to-day world beyond.

Most people into pup play are simply drawn to its primal allure, not to mention genuine innocence and playfulness it embodies. It can range from a simple romp in knee pads around the bedroom to an all-out euphoria associated with going deep into the mindset of a dog, commonly called “the pupspace” or “pupzone”. The key thing with pup play, as with sex in general, is that although guidelines are there to lead it there are no rules as such. It’s up to the players to outline the confines of the scene and where they’ll allow it to go. Allowing it to flow naturally and spontaneously is the best way to get the most out of it.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to meet a few other pups in my local area. Attending a leather event for the first time as a pup was new for me but something I really enjoyed. Decked out in my puppy collar, leather pants and cheeky pup handkerchief I have made my first declaration of my love for being a pup to my friends and local mates.

While not 100% sure how people would take the idea of my pupdom I was pleasantly surprised that it was almost a non event. I chatted, danced,  enjoyed a beer and even had my boots polished by another pup.

While I’m not sure people took the idea of my pup shirt to the same level I did, I felt liberated, confident and proud.

Proud to be a pup. Proud to be part of an amazing pack with my own cool pup brother.

A wonderful experience and I know there are going to be many more pup adventures to come 🙂

Hugs and tugs.



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