puppy play

These Leather Football Pants Are A Pup Play Must!


I don’t know if you saw this picture just mailed out by the guys at Mr S Leather but fuck yea! I’ve just found the perfect pants for my next pup play session…

Perhaps I am just a bit of a pig bout how fucking hot is the combination of leather, puppy play and fucking sexy sports wear. Mix these three together and it’s a recipe for a fucking hot afternoon.

These leather pants, knee pads and my leather puppy hood. Dam I am really for a puppy pile right now… šŸ™‚

Needless to say I have placed my order for these leather football pants today!

Of course thanks to my fantastic Master for the heads up. Love you Sir and I can’t wait to have these to wear for you.

You can check out more pics here @ Mr S



Check out this great RubberDawg interview


I was just cruising around the net and came across Ā this great interview of RubberDawg at
Just An Ordinary Boy Who Is Also A Human Pup.

I have been fortunate enough to not only have met RubberDawg but to also have a wonderful hood and set of paws made by him.

Given that RubberDawg is the king of the rubber puppy play hood I thought you might enjoy this interview.

How/Why you decided to get into hood making?

It all started when I went to a Rubber party in Palm Springsā€¦ā€¦ They said that they were going to have a ā€œPuppy Play Areaā€ I thought that would be fun. (I dabbled in puppy play before) I saw what was out there, hood wise, most of the Leather hoods looked like monkeys to meā€¦.I figured I can make me one.

I have been working with Liquid Latex for making molds for years.

I made oneā€¦it was okā€¦.I still had a little timeā€¦.I made another, betterā€¦still had timeā€¦I made a third.I took all 3 to the party, people went ballistic over themā€¦

Thorn of Instigator Magazine was there.He backed me up against the refrigerator and said ā€œYou HAVE to sell these, Iā€™ll help youā€¦.ā€

Over the next few months I cleaned up the designs, made them with zippers (The first ones you just pulled over your head, OK putting it onā€¦HARD to take off. My lover and I planned a trip to Europe, Thorn set up an appointment with the buyer for Mr. BS of Amsterdam.

I showed them what I hadā€¦ā€¦.they ordered 25ā€¦that is what really started it ALL. From there it has just gotten bigger and bigger, Rubberdawg is ALL I doā€¦7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day.

There is more to the interview, feel free to check out the original post here.

Hugs and tugs.



My First Official Outing As A Pup

Hey there Guys,

Today I wanted to share part of a great article published by a good mate over at Gay Express in New Zealand. Leif has really captured the elements of pup play that I enjoy. It’s fun, it’s about being in the now and that wonderful feeling of having entered pup space.

Like the name suggests, this type of play relies on one person taking on the mouthy, tail-wagging, toy-chasing characteristics of a dog while their partner, aka handler or trainer, guides the scene, treating their frisky friend to the same treatment as a genuine canine. Itā€™s a hoot for everyone involved and can also open one up to a deeper, primal connection to sex and the day-to-day world beyond.

Most people into pup play are simply drawn to its primal allure, not to mention genuine innocence and playfulness it embodies. It can range from a simple romp in knee pads around the bedroom to an all-out euphoria associated with going deep into the mindset of a dog, commonly called ā€œthe pupspaceā€ or ā€œpupzoneā€. The key thing with pup play, as with sex in general, is that although guidelines are there to lead it there are no rules as such. Itā€™s up to the players to outline the confines of the scene and where theyā€™ll allow it to go. Allowing it to flow naturally and spontaneously is the best way to get the most out of it.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to meet a few other pups in my local area. Attending a leather event for the first time as a pup was new for me but something I really enjoyed. Decked out in my puppy collar, leather pants and cheeky pupĀ handkerchiefĀ I have made my first declaration of my love for being a pup to my friends and local mates.

While not 100% sure how people would take the idea of my pupdom I was pleasantly surprised that it was almost a non event. I chatted, danced, Ā enjoyed a beerĀ and even had my boots polished by another pup.

While I’m not sure people took the idea of my pup shirt to the same level I did, I felt liberated, confident and proud.

Proud to be a pup. Proud to be part of an amazing pack with my own cool pup brother.

A wonderful experience and I know there are going to be many more pup adventures to come šŸ™‚

Hugs and tugs.



Got a new play collar today

Hey there Pups!

Today I wanted to update you on my latest play collar from Mr S leather.

This is the beautiful 15mm Steel collar. It fits wonderfully but it’s not quite day to day wear as it’s a little chunky and I think it may draw a little more attention at the water cooler then my talon steel puppy collar.

That said when it comes to puppy play time this collar has me sitting staying and begging šŸ˜‰

Check out my full review here : Beautiful 15mm Steel Puppy Collar

Hugs and Tugs



Rubber Dog Bronco: A Hot German Rubber Pup

Rubber Dog Bronco

Rubber Dog Bronco

Just wanted to share a great video of one of my favorite pups Rubber Dog Bronco AKA “Gummihund Bronco” in Germany.


While I identify as a German Shepherd, I love how Rubber Dog Bronco’s build fits perfectly with his Rottweiler pup headspace. His RubberDawg hood is perfect and for blokes that are of a bigger build I highly recommend checking out the Rottie hoods, they look amazing.

For me the Rottie is perhaps the best pup for play. Big solid and strong. My pup brother Trooper is also a Rottie and both he and I agree that Rubber Dog Bronco is one hell of a pup.

As noted in the video above Bronco also runs a fantastic store that specialises in rubber wear in particular to those interested in the pet play market. If you are interested you can check out Rubber Dog Bronco’s store Bizarre Rubber ShopĀ that is based in Schleswig in the north of Germany.

I hope that one day I may be fortunate enough to visit this store and perhaps even to meet Gummihund Bronco and his amazing pack.

If you are serious into your rubber and puppy play Rubber Dog Bronco can be spotted at a few of the hardcore sites with a google search finding a couple of his movies at RubberBreed.com and HotRubberClips.com. Hot clips and certainly a must for those who are into hardcore rubber and puppy play.

Hugs and tugs.



My Shepherd RubberDawg mask

Hey there Guys,

Today I wanted to share a pic of my awesome new RubberDawg puppy mask. When I first got into puppy play I started with my leather puppy hoodĀ  however over time I really fell in love with the feel of rubber. It was time to make the step to buying my own full rubber hood.

While you can buy the RubberDawg hoods from Mr S leather I wanted to be able to buy my own individual shape and style which is exactly where RubberDawg excels.

Within 24 hours of having sent my order RD (RubberDawg) was in contact with a heap of photos and suggestions for styles of my mask. I sent him a pic of my beloved German Shepherd and he was able to style my mask off this picture.

For fun and that great smile, teeth were added in. Just to note they are soft rubber so there is not risk of harm during bone chewing or other activities šŸ˜‰ .

Also as part of my purchase I bought a set of the half sleeve paws and I will do a post on them tomorrow but they are definite four paws material!

The only issue I can note is that RD is becoming very popular which means there is a bit of a wait when it comes to having your mask made. I waited 6 weeks but dam it was worth every moment. The final product is beautiful and a very important part of my puppy play.

You can learn more about RD here in my post: Check Out These Awesome RubberDawg Masks.

Other then my shepherd hood, my fave is the Rotty hood. He’s so cute and I know I would mount him till the sun goes down.

Hugs and tugs pups,



I love my Square Peg puppy tail

Hey Pups,

Thought I would just share a pic of my wonderful square peg puppy tail deep in my pup cunt…

By far the square peg guys make the best puppy tails. Firstly because they are silicone so they can be used with oil based lubes or water based lubes. Only thing to be careful with is that if you use a silicone lube, make sure it is top quality as lesser quality silicon lube can destroy silicone toys.

I like to use this tail with crisco so it stays nice and lubed no matter how long I am in pup mode. Water based lubes tend to get absorbed making it harder to remove my tail after a prolonged pup play session…

Square peg have a nice selection of pup tails check out my page on them here: Square Peg Puppy Tails

I give them four paws up!



My New Puppy Collar Has Arrived

Hey there Guys,

Today I have been thrilled toĀ receiveĀ my new stainless steel puppy collarĀ mailed in from Mr S my favorite store in the world!

I’ve been eyeing this collar off for some time as it’s a beautiful piece but it also represents the ability for me to be collared to my master 24/7. Each time I can feel it on my neck I know I belong to Sir.

Just touching my front ring reminds me that I am owned by the best master in the world.

More pics soon.

Hugs and tugs,



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