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What’s Your Magical Human Pup Play Moment?

magical human pup playRecently in our pup community we have had the loss of a pup who had many connections within both the US and international human pup play scene. It’s sad to say goodbye however it’s also a chance to stop and reflect on many of the amazing things our community has gifted us.

Today I was sent the above picture from my brother Dire Supermutt and it reminded me of the most amazing, wonderful and magical time I had with him recently.

I have know Dire for quite a few years now. He was introduced to me via the Sirius Pup website and through Skype, text and chat we got to know each other well.

This year I was so excited to not only be able to visit the USA but most importantly to finally visit Dire. Spending time with this pup was truely magical 🙂 .

Together we had time not only at “The Most Magical Place On Earth: Disney” but we also had the pleasure of exploring Harry Potter World at Universal Studios. You can imagine the crazy fun we had waving wands, freaking out security with our dog hoods, drinking butter beer and even going on rides till we both felt just that little bit queezy….

Magical moments that without human puppy play I would have never had.

On my trip I also had the chance to meet an talk with many people I consider my pup heros: The House Of Hunt, Pup Gadget, The Dog Star Pack, The Junk Yard Pack and many more… I’ve had the chance to meet so many boys, Doms, pup, handlers. I have had the chance to make so many new, wonderful friends.

One pup who I have the utmost respect is Kirk Brue Pierce. As part of his interview he was kind enough to share one of his most magical human pup play moments.

So Pup. I know that today is a sad however today we have the chance to stop and reflect on some of the amazing things that have happened in our lives as part of our participation in the world of animal role play… So let me ask you, what is the most magical moment that has happened for you in your life exploring human pup play?

Feel free to share via the buttons below and let us know your most magical pup play experience.

Hugs and tugs,

Gpup Alpha


Thanks For Asking! (Psst please don’t steal!)

Human Pup Lagunabikernz SecaHey Pups! As I am sure you know I am definitely a photo hound. I love photography. My Master Jyan, my pup friends and myself, we put a lot of work into creating beautiful and fun images.

Pictured above is my great mate Pup Seca (also know as LagunaBikerNZ Seca on Facebook). He’s been visiting us here in Sydney and it’s been a great chance for him to collect a nice portfolio of pup pictures to enjoy and share. Sadly in Christchurch it’s not easy to get this done so when in Rome, why not get some kick ass photos!

As we all do with great pics, Seca and his Alpha, Bouncer shared the pics online when I was almost crying witnessing the following interaction. (See the red boxed areas I have highlighted.)

Don't Steal Our Pics

Nate, a promoter, asked if he could have permission to use the image for a poster to help promote an upcoming event. He asked! How fucking awesome is that!!

Huh? Why is that awesome?

I suppose you might wonder, why is this awesome? Well pup, the reason is simple. Usually people don’t ask. They just steal and use.

Sadly over the past years it’s happened to me and my pack lots… People use my image for their profile pic. People use our images to promote their events. Fuck I’ve even had people photoshop elements out of our pics and use them after we had explicitly requested they don’t use them…

It’s not right, it’s not fair and from an artistic perspective it’s just fucking rude and breaking copyright law.

Common reasons people steal “borrow” pics…

  • “I didn’t know they were protected by copyright.”

All images and other artistic works automatically gain the copyright to the person who created them unless they are shared under a creative commons license. Images don’t need to have a little © on them to be considered protected.

Unless otherwise stated all images have copyright attached to them so it’s best to seek permission before using them.

You can learn more about copyright here: Copyright, Fair Use and How It Works For Online Images

  • “They were wearing a mask so they could not be recognised.”

The pup community might be big in some ways but we sure are close knit! Trust me, while to the untrained eye “all human pups look the same” to the insiders we know exactly who is who…

Bouncer Pup? I don’t even have to look: medium height, medium build, hairy chest, black hood, blue snout with 3 red triangular markings on both side of the snout. (Thank Mr S Customs Hoods!)

Rubber Dog Bronco? Tall, solid build, brown rubber suit, Rottweiler RubberDawg hood with bigass chunky collar and rubber chest harness.

We all know each other and when an image is lifted, we get informed pretty fast. Please don’t assume just because you can’t identify one pup from another that we can’t. We can, and word spreads fast when a fellow pup’s image is being ripped off.

  • “I found it via Google search so I thought it was free to use.”

Again, see the first point. Just because you can search for an image and find it, it does not mean it’s free to use. If you are looking for images to use, please be sure to check out the creative commons search engine.


Again before you can use these images be sure to check how they are being allowed to be used.  Some copyright holders don’t allow commercial use, others require attribution, some allow full and free usage. Be sure to check before moving forward.


So What Do You Do If You Love An Image & Really Want To Use It?

Ask! It’s pretty simple. Follow the lead of Nate above. Make a friendly request, make an offer, make a potential new friend! These simple gestures make for great harmony, sharing and the high likelihood of a “yes”…

Sadly outright theft does not.

Just remember that if a person prefers their image not to be used there may be important and personal reasons for that. I urge you to honour this understanding if a person says no. You never know the full story.

And for our budding pup photographers out there, get out, take lots of pics, we love seeing you online and trust me, we’ve got your back!

Hugs, tugs and kick ass photos!

Gpup Alpha


How To Care For Your Leather & Neoprene Dog Hood

Hey Pups! Just wanted to create a post on how to clean and care for your pup play hoods.

First cab off the rank, leather puppy hood care:

First is a video I created with Bootblack Dire AKA Dire SuperMutt when we were together in Florida.

Given the huge popularity of the Mr S Leather Dog Hoods I thought it was a good idea to share how to care and nourish the leather to help ensure this is a pup mask you are going to have for a long long time.

Products mentioned in the video include:

Check Out The Leather Pup Hoods Here @ Mr S Leather

How to care for your neoprene dog hood:

The neoprene masks are super easy to care for and super robust! I love mine and take it most places…

Check Out The Neoprene Dog Hoods @ Mr S

Enjoy and don’t forget when you give your hood some special care and attention every few months it will be a piece of gear you have for many years of enjoyment.

Hugs and tugs,

Gpup Alpha


How To Get Started As A Human Pup

Hot human dog tries on a leather pup hood for the firstime in his leather dog hood

In this video I just wanted to share some thoughts on how to get started as a human pup.

When I started there was little in the way of human pup play resources. Today there are many great resources including my pack’s website: http://SiriusPup.net (Interestingly this was originally developed as a training site just for our pups!)

Also be sure to check out Puppy 101 on Facebook as well as the many pup groups on FetLife.

When it comes to gear the first things I recommend is mitts and knee pads to protect your paws. Other gear is great and when you are ready Mr S Leather has a great selection of fun pup gear here-> Pup Gear @ Mr S Leather.

Overall have fun and feel free to ask questions!

Hugs and tugs.

Gpup Alpha


3 Leather Pup Looks For CLAW

Hey pups! Today I’m preparing for my trip to the USA and I wanted to share some ideas for great leather pup looks if you are heading to CLAW, your local pup mosh of even just a night at the pub…

Of course these are just my ideas and please feel free to share your own variations on the leather theme 😉 .

Given the nature of CLAW I wanted to show 3 distinct leather looks:

Each has it’s pros and cons but all are suited to different events… Pick and choose, mix and match… You get the idea 😉

Formal Leather Pup

Formal Leather Pup

Formal Leather Pup

I’m a huge fan of formal leather… Being a pup doesn’t mean you have to miss out.

The leather shirt I am wearing is made of super soft naked leather. It’s not quite a shiny as the standard leather however it fits against the skin really nice. It’s so soft there is absolutely no breaking in needed.  You can get this in a long or short sleeve version however I tend to overheat easily so I will usually opt for a shorter sleeve shirt.

Of course leather pants are a must for a formal look and I have added a pup gauntlet to flag my passion pup as well as the many fun things that come with the colour blue 😉

You can check out these items here:

Casual Leather Pup

Informal leather pup look

Informal Leather Pup

For hitting the daytime events you can’t go wrong with a more casual, informal look. I love shorts and the Mr S Carpenter shorts are fucking amazing… Behind the double flap zipper is a secondary flap allowing easy access to your junk should you need to go to the bathroom or backroom.

I found these super comfy and with one treatment with leather conditioner and an afternoon worn around town these babies where broken in and fitting like a glove.

You can continue the laid back theme with a leather polo shirt, mine is again trimmed with blue… Starting to get a theme?

Unlike a standard polo shirt, the leather version isn’t going to be stretching on the body so it’s really important to make sure you get the right size.

Add your leather pup hood and you are onto a winning look.

You can check out these items here:

Leather Playtime Pup

Leather Playtime Pup

Leather Playtime Pup

Final looks is for when you are ready to get down on all fours, moshing and playing with your pup mates.

I am a subscriber to the “less is more” when it comes to mosh time and given most moshes aren’t nude, I opt for these leather sports shorts. These are super comfy and are very close to my Australian footy shorts so they are very popular here in Australia.

In this pic I have my custom leather dog hood as well to highlight that these hoods are very much what ever you want to dream up…  Check out this pic from a recent pup night in Sydney to get the idea of exactly how many options there are!

Custom Leather Pup Hoods

Custom Leather Pup Hood

Heaps of choices for you pup, throw in a pup t-shirt and you are set for play!

You can check out these items here:

So there you go pups! 3 Different looks that might be fun for CLAW…

I’m super excited about attending and if you are there I’d love to meet you! I’m going to be attending as many of the pup events as I can as well as presenting on human pup play on the Saturday @ 1:30. Be sure to check out the full educational schedule as there are some really cool educational events happening!

Hugs hugs and tugs,

Gpup Alpha

PS. Are we Facebook friends? Please feel free to add me 😉 https://www.facebook.com/gpup.alpha


Latex Chlorination By Ozfetish

Hey guys! So recently I was gifted this amazing latex surf suit, it’s super tight so being able to get in and out easily is not only fantastic but it also protects the latex from tears or nicks from pulling to get in.

Not sure if you’ve heard of latex chorination but it’s an amazing treatment that makes your latex super smooth! You are able to jump in and out of your gear with no talc, no lube, literally straight in!

The chlorination also makes the latex care much easier so for me it was totally a win win situation.

Chlorination is a chemical process, quite fiddly and involves some pretty strong chemicals.  It really isn’t something to be done at home… Thankfully there are some great people here in Australia who can do it for you. Laycette at Oz Fetish who is expert at the whole chlorination process.

The process of having my rubber puppy gear treated was super simple. I just had to package my gear up in a mailing bag along with a second return postage bag.

On it’s arrival Laycette let me know it was there and that she had started the treatment.

One of the pieces of gear had some damaged metalware which she asked if it was ok to replace. Given she’s also able to repair latex I was very happy to make sure everything was in good condition.

Once done my gear was mailed back and I was sent an invoice that I was able to pay online.

I was really happy not only with the service but also the finished product.

I opted for the “super shiny” option and they weren’t kidding! Very happy rubber pup here.

I can definitely vouch for the quality and service provided.

If you have some latex gear you’d like to get chlorinated or even repaired be sure to contact Laycette at OzFetish.

You can learn more about the chlorination process here.

Yours in super shiny latex rubber 🙂

Gpup Alpha


Pup Play Holiday Gift Guide Part 1

Hey there Pups!

I’m kinda dazed at how quick the holiday season has come and I thought it might be fun to share some holiday gift idea for pups.

First cab off the rank is a video I made today on getting knee protection @ your local hardware store. These shops are great for all sorts of stuff and you can get some amazing pup gear if you use some lateral thinking…

Getting Pup Play Knee Protectors @ Your Local Hardware Store:

Key points to look for when you are buying knee protection is to be aware of where you are going to be moshing or playing…

For outdoor play a plastic layer is pretty important to protect your knees and skin from sticks, rocks and grass burn.

If you are more of a pup play indoors kinda dog then you cab get away with not having the protective layer.

Always get the ones that have heaps of padding as a lot of your weight is going to be passing via your knees and you want to ensure there are no pressure points.

I like the velcro enclosure type as they tend to stay in place very well.

Don’t discount your local hardware they have heaps of great stuff!

For paw and wrist protection you can’t go wrong with MMA fighting gloves. These offer fantastic padding and protection. You can get them in all types of shapes, colours and sizes.

So there you go, part one of our human pup play holiday gift guide…

Next post? Tails!

Hugs and tugs, Gpup Alpha



New Leather Shirts Added!

You are going to look kick ass at your local bar when wearing the Mr S Leather Shirt. Very form fitting this shirt is designed to be enjoyed in both formal BLUF environment right though to a nice intimate dinner. Check out the Mr S Shirt here: http://glink.me/LeatherShirt

Hey pups! I think my eyes are about to pop out of my head after my recent deliver of great leather gear from Mr S…

Included in my package was some kick ass leather shirts, as well as a new bar vest… I have to say I am very impressed.

I’ve created new reviews and added them to the pup play clothing section…

New items reviewed include:

Got to say I am pretty happy with the haul 🙂 Who knew I was into leather gear this much! Bring on Claw 2016 I say.

BTW are you going to be at CLAW? I am very excited and hope to meet as many of my fellow pups as I can.

Hugs and tugs.

Gpup Alpha


Sweet! Got The Racer Vest On Sale

Mr S Leather Bar Vest

Hey pup! Not sure if you have seen but the Mr S Racer Vest is currently on sale over @ Mr S. They’ve put a discount down to just over $100… Not sure what stocks are like but if you’re interested I recommend checking out the listing.

Check out the racing vest here @ Mr S

BTW be sure you get the right size. Mr S use exact inches, not Levi or Grindr inches… Grab a tape measure, get a measure of your chest. You want to go around the biggest part of the chest, for me it was just above my nipples.

Then when you go to the site you can choose the right size from the sizing panel.

Hugs and tugs,

Gpup Alpha


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