puppy play

Congratulations to our 2012 International Puppy & Trainer Contest Winners!

International Puppy & Trainer Contest WinnersHey Pups! Just wanted to offer a heart felt congratulations to Daddy Don & Pup Luckey on winning the 2012 International Puppy & Trainer Contest.

The International Puppy & Trainer Contest is an annual competition started in Houston in 2001. The competition represents a great opportunity to recognise the pup lifestyle and to honour fantastic pups and their devoted trainers.

I would love to have the opportunity to compete and represent my awesome pack The Southern Pups Of Sirius. I’m sure that the work Pup Boss has done with the training of me and my sexy bro Trooper Bravo could have him in contention for International Puppy Trainer! 🙂 I’m all for a USA holiday!

Anyways just wanted to share a heart felt congratulations to both Daddy Don and Pup Luckey on their fantastic win.

Hugs and tugs.

Gpup Pic Cred International Puppy & Trainer Contest


My First Training As A Human Puppy

Gpup in human puppy training

Gpup Starts His Human Puppy Training

For the past two days I have had the most amazing full emersion of human puppy training with my wonderful master, Pup Boss Of Sirius Pups.

I was excited to be having my first formal training as a pup, I arrived with anticipation, excitement and perhaps just a few nerves.

Like many pups I’ve managed to collect quite a bit of gear so I had a suitcase filled with suits, hoods, tails, leather, neoprene, collars and my favorite leather pup hood and my rubberdawg mask.

puppy play in the parkAs part of my training, Sir took me for a walk to the local park. There were a number of paths and a beautiful grassy bank filled with rocky knolls for a pup to climb and observe the world.

As I explored the terrain it was a chance to feel and dip into the world of pup space. Despite people walking going by I didn’t feel embarrassed, after all I was a pup, it was normal for me to be in this space. While I was not quite ready for marking I will soon be ready to take this challenge with delight.

Upon return to the SPS Base I changed into my human pup play suit, puppy paws and shepherd hood for further training.

human puppy trainingSir taught me a few of the postures important for a pup. Given the SPS compound is secluded I was able to express myself more as my pup self. Sir has a few raunchier pics from this training here @ Sirius Pup. I was quite excited so I have to apologise that some of the pics are a little blurry.

At SPS we are fortunate that Sir’s life partner is an exercise physiologist, he was able to teach me the optimal positions for my wrists, knees, ankles and back to allow safe pup play without harm to my body.

As a bonus we videoed this session so we’ll be sharing this teaching as soon as edited. I highly recommend checking these out when available. Simple changes to the way I was positioned helped increase my comfort levels greatly.

Between training sessions I relaxed and learned a little about pup space though observation of Sir’s own biopup as well reading some great books on pup training.

Sadly there are not many pup training books around however but one I have found interesting is Woof! Training of the Human Dog. While not a replacement for real life pup training this book has been a good introduction. It’s a good starter for anyone interesting in spending time as a human puppy.

So this morning I packed my bags and headed home a tired yet excited pup. My passion for pup play is well and truly ignited.

Over the future months I’m looking forward to more time with my master as I learn the many levels to human puppy training… So far I’ve tackled a few of the tasks of the first collar training.

More news soon.



Loving My SquarePeg Woofy Tail

squarepeg woofy tail

Love My SquarePeg Woofy Tail

Hey Pups, today I just wanted to share a bit of a review of my SquarePeg woofy tail. By far this is my favorite piece of pup play gear and certainly in my pack, Sirius Pup, it’s one of the first pieces of gear you get.

All credit to the guys at SquarePeg they really have captured the spirit of puppy play with their pup tails.

Each tail is made with high grade silicone which makes them very durable yet soft enough to never scratch or hurt my butt on insertion. They have a nice weight which makes for a realistic wag that feels great as it slaps against my legs during play.

My SquarePeg Woofy Tail Review

Depending on your level of ass play the SquarePeg Woofy Tail, comes in medium, large and extra large. I find the medium nice and comfortable but then again I’m not the biggest ass player out there. The medium has a 5″ insertable length and at it’s widest 6″ around. For the adventurous the
extra large extends to 6.5″ deep with a full 8″ that is sure to stretch your pups hole to get him wagging!

Clean up is dead easy I use antibacterial soap and hot water. If you are keen to fully sterilise these toys can endure being in boiling water and even placed in an oven up to 350F!

The good news is with a minimum of care you will have a great pup tail that is going to last a lifetime.

So yea guys, I freaking love my tail and for me the square peg tails are the most comfortable and well constructed. I have a page devoted to all the squarepeg puppy tails, or if you want to get one asap I recommend Mr S Leather. Their service has always been great for me, ask for Doug! He’s a great bloke and very pup friendly 😉

Click here for all the SquarePeg pup tails.
Click here to see the SquarePeg Woofy Tail @ Mr S Leather.

What’s your favorite puppy tail?

Hugs and Tugs.



Hot Rubber Dog Pics From Folsom Europe 2012

Hey there Pups,

Today I fond these great pics by Rubber Dog Bronco aka “Gummihund Bronco” that were taken at Folsom Europe 2012. I’ve never been however after looking at the pics I am definitely going to have a chat with my master about a bit of a holiday for next year.

You may not know but I am a huge fan of rubber, putting puppy play and rubber together is just a marriage made in heaven. I’m thrilled that one my pup play hero’s, Rubber Dog Bronco, was kind enough to allow me to share his pics.

Rubber Dog Bronco

rubber dogs folsom europe 2012

gumihund lupo folsome europe 2012

rubber pup pack folsom europe 2012

Certainly his pack is well decked out and if you ever happen to be in Germany I highly recommend stopping by his store Bizarre Rubber Shop in Schleswig. Of course you can buy online as he stocks some very interesting products!

Looking to the future, in particular Sydney Mardi Gras 2013, Sir did mention that Sirius Pups may well be marching in the parade. Now that would be very cool!


Gpup Alpha

BTW Are we friends on Facebook yet? Hit me up, I’d love to make some facebook puppy pals.


My Human Pup Play Introduction At Dore Alley

my first learning of human pup play

The Pup Who Introduced Me To Human Pup Play

Seven years ago on my first trip to Dore Alley street fare in San Francisco, I met my first human pup. While I had not yet discovered the idea of puppy play, there was something in meeting this pup that opened my heart and mind to the idea of me entering the world of human pup play.

To this day I am a little sad that I never got to know this wonderful pup, or his master’s name. Given the opportunity, I’d love shake his paw and gently scratch behind his ear as a thankyou for his kind introduction for me to puppy play.

Perhaps it’s the spirit of Dore Alley, with so many interesting people. Perhaps it was the fact that I was starting to miss my two beautiful bio pups that were far away in Australia. With just a little trepidation I approached this pup and his master and asked for permission to pet his pup.

His master was very kind and we chatted for some time about life as a pup and how as master he too had a pup life.

What I learned was that these guys were wonderful, caring, open and fun loving. Human pup play was simply an extension of that same joy of life.

I admit these two men, pups and gentlemen have lived with me in my mind for many years.

My First Step Towards Human Pup Play

Later that day I purchased my first leather puppy hood from one of the local leather stores. That magical moment of putting my hood on for the first time was amazing. The excitement and rush of knowing that I opening to my own exploration of human pup play.

It would be a number of years till I met my first master. Needless to say, I’m very glad I was patient, with the reward well beyond the wait.

More soon.


BTW if you know the name of this pup I’d love to be able to say hello again. Pup, you changed my life and for that I am eternally grateful.


Check Out These Awesome Puppy Shoes

Hey Guys,

I was just on tumblr and found these awesome puppy shoes. Any idea where they may have come from?

Any help appreciated.


Update: As shared by PistolPup these shoes were created by  the amazing artist Bob Basset. It seems he does a number of one off pieces and perhaps if asked he may be open to creating another pair?

You can check out his leather paw shoes and a heap more pics here at his site. 


How To Care For Silicone Toys

care for square peg silicone toys

Square Peg Puppy Tails

Puppy play can be an expensive hobby with hoods, gear, leather and toys. Each item adds up and today I just wanted to share some tips for looking after silicon toys to help them last a lifetime.

By far my favorite puppy play toy is my tail. Each time it’s inserted I can easily slip into pup space. It’s a happy place and the feel of that tail whacking against my legs puts a bit smile on this pups snout.

Of all the manufacturers of tails I have found Square Peg Puppy Tails to be the best. The quality of their silicone toys in very very high. Yes this does make them a little more expensive however with proper care these toys can last a life time.

What Is The Best Way To Care For Silicone Toys?

Top quality silicone toys have the potential to last a life time however there are a few important tips to remember.

Never use silicone based lube with a silicone toy

Silicone lube on silicone toys can lead to the surface of the toy dissolving. This is particularly bad if the lube used is not of the highest quality.

The recommended lubes to use with silicone toys are either water based, or oil based lubes.

Of course if there is a likely hood that there is going to be fucking with condoms after the removal of the toy it’s best to stick to just water based lubes to avoid deterioration of the condom and potential breakage.

For extended wear water based lube can be absorbed by the lining of the ass which can “lock in” the toy making it harder to remove after an hour or so.

If not notice the toy is difficult to remove head on over to the toilet, grab hold of the end of your tail then bare down like you are trying to do a shit. This will push the toy out. It’s best to push out rather then pull.

For extended wear an oil based lube will stay slippery much longer, but as mentioned above, you need to be aware that the lube can break down condoms.

After Play Care Of Silicone Toys

After play, silicone toys are simple to clean. I like to wash mine with antibacterial soap and hot water then lay them out on a towel to dry.

Some people say you can put them though the dish washer on the top level however my thoughts are that it’s a bit too harsh and it’s kinda gross!

Between play sessions I like to wrap each toy in either a face cloth or wash cloth then pop them into a zip lock bag.  This stops them collecting dust and stops toys touching each other. Don’t let silicone toys touch each other in storage as they can meld into each other and that can destroy your toys.

square peg silicone toy puppy tail

With all silicone toys there are lots of different grades of silicone. It’s best to go with the highest quality grade you can buy. Unfortunately it’s not easy finding which toy is made from what grade so I tend to buy all my silicone toys from the company Square Peg.

Square Peg toys use the highest grade silicone, come in heaps of great shapes and for me they are the best dam pup tails money can buy.

I have 3 tails now with my absolute fave being the Square Peg Woofy Tail. It feels great, wags beautifully and feels fucking awesome slapping against my legs!

I give it a double woof rating!

Hugs and tugs.



New Puppy Play Clothing Added.

Hey there Guys,

I have to say I’m pretty excited to have added some great new puppy play clothing items to the website.

Recent additions include:

I have to say that researching these products have been a hoot! Come check them out. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!




Cute German Puppy Hasso


Today I’ve been exploring YouTube to check for some puppy play videos. I was pleasantly surprised at how many videos there are.


Today I wanted to share this video of Hasso a cute furry pup hailing from Berlin. He certainly seems like a happy pup with a very caring handler who has published quite a few videos of him. Below is the video entitled “A Day As A Dog” shows Hasso enjoying pup play, relaxing and enjoying a nice bowl of pup chow and milk 🙂 .


Ahh the life eh, no cares, no worries. Just slipping into pup space, gently enveloped in the love of your master. Sounds perfect to me…

Happy puppy dreams guys.



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